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Rajmata Shrimati Devendra Kumari Singhdeo

Forensic Medicine

Department of Forensic Medicine

 The word forensic has been derived from the Latin word “forensis” which implies something pertaining to ‘forum.’ In Rome ‘forum’ was the meeting place where civil and legal matters used to be discussed by those with public responsibility. Thus, the word ‘forensic’ essentially conveys any issue related to the debate in the court of law. The word ‘medicine’ carries wide important. Broadly, it may be considered as a science for preserving health and effecting cure. From the interaction of these two professions of medicine and law, has emerged the discipline of Forensic Medicine, i.e. application of medical and allied knowledge and expertise towards the administration of justice.
 The core aim of the Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology is to make medical students aware about Medico legal cases and legal proceedings. Mortuary is the vital unit of the department where Post-Mortem examinations of the bodies for the purpose of identification of the dead, cause of death, time since death, time between injuries and death, nature of injuries, type of weapon used to cause these injuries, manner and mode of death, find out/rule out poisoning, trace evidence present and its preservation is carried out. In case of skeletal remains to determine whether human or animal, age and sex, the probable cause of death and time since death and in case of Sexual assault, examine the private parts in detail and preserve required samples.
 Students are updated with new advancements in the technogies like DNA Profiling, Narco-analysis and Brain fingerprinting and their medicolegal uses. Students are also made aware about Indian legal system, Medico legal autopsy, Identification by various body materials, Thanatology,Sudden and unexpected death and its cause, Asphyxial/Thermal/Electrocution deaths, Injuries and their medicolegal importance, Firearm/Explosive injuries, Infanticide/Feticide, Abortion/Delivery, Psychiatry and Poisoning cases which play an important role for them to understsnd the present senario of medicolegal cases.
 Facilities Available in Department :
 1. Departmental Library : Collection of over 200 books/Journals.
 2. Museum :
Various weapons, poisons, slides, radiological specimens, Photographs showing injuries, soft tissue specimens, Bone/Osteology specimens etc.

3. Mortuary : On an average 4-6 autopsies are carried out every day in the Departmental mortuary. Students are taken to mortuary for demonstrations. Two deep freezers 4 and 6 body capacity respectively, ice box and other essential equipments are available in the mortuary. Doctor’s room, Viscera room and waiting hall are also made.
 4. Practical Laboratory : A new ward consisting of 20 bedded has been established to take care of all patients and special attention for Cerebral Malaria, Hepatic Encephalopathy, Encephalitis and Multi Organ Dysfunction etc. Orphan and Immuno-compromised patients are being given special attention round the clock. Once the patients get settled, they are being transferred to various male and female wards for further management.
 5. Demonstration Hall : 50 body sitting capacity room where regular seminars and tutorials are organised for the students.

Faculty Details

S. N.

Faculty Name




Educational Qualification (Graduate)

Educational Qualification (Post Graduate)

Registration No.



Dr. Sanjeev Xaxa


Assistant Professor



Forensic Medicine 

CGMC     2578/2009


Dr. Santoo Bagh





CGMC 3011/20210


Dr. Ravi Kiran Tirkey 





CGMC 8867/2019


Dr. Pankaja Bhagat 





CGMC 8182/2018       





